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Each day gets better and so does each month! Here are the messages for the month ahead! Are you ready for the Sun? Are you ready for the changes? Don't be afraid to embrace the new. Remember EVOLVING is always great and so are you!

Let March take hold of you and reshape your negatives into positives!

It's time for a Better life, so lets get to living!

We know exactly who the boss is! You own it and we appreciate! This month things fall into place. The ball is in your court -so don't go off on a judgmental spree or irrationally jump to conclusions. Be cool and let all the chips fall where they may. Let your work speak for itself, your confidence is one of your greatest assets. There's no need to be loud or boastful this month because everything is working for you and in your favor. Just behave and be quiet.....

Taurus, Taurus, Taurus..... change is good. It isn't familiar but that doesn't mean its bad. This month you will come out of the darkness and into the light emotionally. There's no uncertainty about where you need to be. Don't be afraid of whats next and the new direction you are headed. Seek a higher being, power, God almighty and let him order your steps. Remember his light is a lamp unto your feet... you are not alone on your journey.... New direction, New Path, New thoughts, New Mindset, New Money, don't you want it? All you have to do is move where the energy is pulling you.... I know you feel it....

Gemini- Distractions lead you into temptation. Don't allow imaginary shackles to bond you. Please Gem, use your powers for good and not evil. We know you are the master manipulator but sometimes you get mentally caught up in your own foolery. Its time for clarity Gemini- you know you want it! This month look within and ask yourself what has power over you and is it real? This will bring about revelations that you have been needing... I think its time to clean up your act friend....

Cancer- March is ready for you so what has you stuck? Is it you -that has you stuck? Don't get in your own way this month, you have way too much to get done. Do not go back and forth with your decisions. The path forward is to move forward. You got this baby! If you say it -Mean it, there wont be time to change your answers! So believe and trust yourself. Make the choice, own it, let it go and move forward!

Head and chin up Leo darling. Determination & strength are your key elements. You may have had some set back but this month see outside of what was loss or has gone away and look to what you have. Remember you can not obtain more of what you want if its not appreciated. High vibrations attract and Low vibrations subtract. give thanks aloud as much as you can and walk in gratitude. The key is to not speak on what you want but to speak as if you have it.... the cup is not half empty....

Virgo- Do the right thing even if its against the grain. Be yourself. People are watching and admiring. They notice how you don't sway and wish they could only do the same. Continue on the path of trusting yourself and looking within for your answers. If you need any reassurance this month-remember you validate you! With that said Virgo, be bold, be you, but be gentle!

The clouds have moved and its time for you to step into the world with clear vision Libra. You should have the expectation that the world is yours, because it is. Don't be scared ...Remember, fear will not bless you. Have the intent and expectation to receive everything you put your energy into.

Scorpio, Scorpio, Scorpio.....what you are seeing is only the beginning. You are growing in every regard! You are accepting that you too are human and those feelings are real! If they ask, tell them "yes there's a heart on the left t side of my chest too!" Don't forget to say thank you to the contributors in your life and to the good lord for bringing all of your visions full circle. Its your month to shine baby. Embrace the smiles, gifts, joy and positive shift this month. Let your hair down and be great. You have worked hard, listened, studied, planted the seeds, watched them grow, and there is no where to go but up from here....but remember Scorpio, you should be your biggest fan so DON'T BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF, it's enough haters out here doing that already. Remember, if YOU are not repping for you 24-7 who is?


Sag! A little balance never hurt anyone. What you have been doing isnt going to work in March. Have you been doing too much work? Too much fun? Too much stress? Too much mess? Take a pause, regroup, and find middle ground, peace,tranquility and balance. Too much of anything is a problem. Sag, you are awesome but ask yourself this question " How can you shine if you are Burnt out?" Take a pause.... take a trip!

Capi, what s on your mind? Have you been protecting your throne? March brings mental clarity and logic to make some tough decisions or decisions in general without the emotional aspect. Take a moment to reflect on whats next, what your true needs are and if they are being met. REMEMBER you can't protect your throne if you aren't being wise. Pay attention and be wise. Its your throne to keep. Be smart Cap!

There's a season for giving. For some it was in December but for you Aquarius it will be this month. You will be asked to give, give, give, and not just in the form of money. People need you, they need your time, your shoulder, your advice and your attention. Give freely knowing what you put out will come back to you 10 fold. Be a blessing to others and watch what happens. In times of frustration and people requiring so much of you it important to remember... we never know what others are going it forward.

Wow Pisces, you asked, you expected, and you are receiving. Be thankful and grateful for your come up! Remember to whom much is given- much is required/expected. Stay the course Pisces! These blessing are a result of your faith & commitment to your hearts desires. Keep it up- to keep on receiving!


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